Mom is stressed

This E-book “Mom is Stressed” is exclusively for you, ultra-ambitious and super stressed powerhouse mom in a C-suite, executive, or entrepreneur position

E-Book Mom is Stressed

Mom is stressed

This E-book “Mom is Stressed” is exclusively for you, ultra-ambitious and super stressed powerhouse mom in a C-suite, executive, or entrepreneur position

E-Book Mom is Stressed

This free E-book will reveal to you why you keep being stressed and will give you a Game Plan to get rid of it once and for all. 

A good work-life balance is seen as the solution for you as an ultra-ambitious, stressed, overwhelmed, tired, and frustrated high-achieving mom. Thousands of books have been written about work-life balance, blogs published, and workshops given. And most likely you are more or less familiar with all the popular work-life balance strategies, tips & tricks around.

And despite that, you’re still stuck. Still yelling at your kids. Still feeling stressed, guilty, angry, sad, and not good enough.

Mom is stressed

You are not the only one!

For about 60 percent of working mothers experiencing work-life balance is a challenge. And with 70% it is the biggest stressor for women at work.*

How come? 

There is no such thing as a work-life balance! Balance implies that something is fixed, static, not moving, passive. And that’s just not how life is. A powerhouse mom’s life isn’t passive, but always dynamic. In fact, striving for balance can cause a lot of stress…

But, as you might wonder, how can you become a mother who is relaxed, happy, successful, and a good role model for her children without sacrificing her career success? How to have it all, now?

Just like me, you probably have read many self-help books. And you wonder how come you, as the ambitious, powerhouse mother that you are, still struggle, stress, and stay stuck in survival mode.

Despite all these books that promise you a light, free and thriving life. Despite everything available in the personal development industry. Despite everything that is taught in challenges, courses, training, workshops, etc. Despite all those gurus, coaches, therapists, processes, strategies, and modalities.

Despite everything, you have already done around work-life balance, mindfulness, time management, relaxation, planning, and structure.

How come? This E-book gives you the answer to that question.

You might recognize this: You do everything you can do to get rid of your issues. You read a lot, attend challenges, webinars, workshops, and see coaches.

It all seems to help for a while, but then you fall back into your old patterns, emotions, thoughts, and struggles. That’s not what you want for yourself and your kids!

And how is that possible? Is there really no way to get rid of your fears, crippling self-doubt, insecurities, frustration and overwhelm once and for all?

In this E-book, you will discover how you can get rid of those emotional and mental blocks in no time and for good. So that you can be a true role model for your children without having to choose between being an amazing mom or a successful businesswoman.

Mama is gestresst

In this E-book

we’ll cover:

I’ll promise you this won’t be like all those other E-books you’ve read before. Because if we keep doing (and thus reading) the same, we’ll end up with the same. And clearly, that hasn’t unblocked and destressed you, right?

So this E-book will be thought-provoking, different, and with revolutionary perspectives!

So download this E-book now, as it helps you to navigate your high-pressure work and life. You will discover how to get rid of your fears, crippling self-doubt, insecurities, frustration and overwhelm once and for all and what to do to shatter your emotional and mental inner glass ceiling in no time and for good. You will get a Game Plan on how to become relaxed, happy, successful, and a good role model for your children without sacrificing your career success and without having to choose between being an amazing mom or a successful businesswoman. It reveals to you how to have it all, now.

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