“Feel the fear and do it anyway!” she shouted from the stage.
Her audience clapped and cheered, whipped up by the thumping beat of the music and the exuberant energy of hundreds of other women.
Now was the moment, the sign they had been waiting for. They were all going to do it.
Fast forward 3 weeks later.
They hadn’t done it…
Stepping out of your Comfort Zone
How many self-help books, coaching programs, workshops and webinars are about stepping out of your comfort zone? Stepping over your own shadow. Because there, outside your comfort zone, is where the magic begins.
And that all you need is a matter of choosing together, firmly kicking your butt and just going for it. And then success, money, clients, peace, freedom, abundance and happiness will fall to you effortlessly and with ease.
But in practice, this doesn’t happen to so many women. So many women stay stuck, sabotage themselves and remain in survival mode. Why?
Because you have 2 types of women.
One type are the women who keep themselves in their comfort zone through a very active safety mechanism.
This safety mechanism is the unconscious mechanism that wants to keep you safe at all times. Not necessarily successful and happy; no, just safe. And this mechanism is not sure if that step outside your comfort zone is so safe. And so that mechanism will do everything it can to protect you, in your comfort zone that is proven safe, because you are still alive.
And the harder you try to step out of that zone the harder that mechanism pushes back. Tiring to death, frustrating and resulting in you not moving, freezing, procrastinating, feeling fear, doubt, and uncertainty. In the process you put yourself or last place and you feel the weight of all the responsibilities on your shoulders. You are caught in all your obligations and the expectations of and concerns for others. You are stuck in the rut and your continuous guilt, fretting, and worrying. And you are therefore in survival mode.
And then you have the other type. These are the women who know no comfort zone. Who never feel safe and protected. If you are this type of woman, you are always searching, you experience continuous turmoil, you are always fighting, you have to prove yourself, you can’t stand still and you set the bar higher and higher and further.
You are always on and pushing yourself. After all, working very hard means success. You are great at multitasking and too busy and stressed for change. You function on willpower and adrenaline, living your jam-packed schedule and completely ignoring yourself and your feelings. And you are therefore in survival mode.
Fire extinguished
In both types of women, any spark of your own creativity, flow, and fulfillment is extinguished. Everything feels heavy, difficult, and uninspired. You are no longer in sync with what you want deep down right now. With your own dreams, your own heart’s desire, and your own purpose.
You are constantly busy doing or not doing. Pushing and pulling. With getting your ass kicked. With success and failure. With the outside world. With survival. But you forgot to be. Forgetting to tune in to yourself, your inner world, and your inner fire.
Because a wall has formed, as it were, between what you think and what you feel, making it harder and harder to reach your inner wisdom and intuition. Your creativity has dried up, your passion is gone and your magic is gone. You are doing what you need to do, but you have given up on your dreams.
And yet you know that life has more in store for you.
But what exactly is that? And how do you get there?
It’s high time to get back in touch with yourself and your deep inner knowing. With that inexhaustible source of information that you have deep inside and that offers you unconditional support and help in challenging situations. Who helps you in your decisions. Who gives you answers and shows you the way. And who brings you flow, creativity, and fulfillment.
So that you can let go and really trust yourself. So that you can start doing what you really have to do inside and outside your comfort zone and make your dreams come true.
Are you ready to rediscover yourself and trust your intuition in a way you’ve never experienced before?