Asking for Help

Blood seeped through my fingers and dripped onto the floor. Breathing went difficult and tears streamed down my cheeks.

I was 12 and came home feral. I had a bloody nose and was very short of breath. I was coming off the riding school. I had been riding horses for several years, but I kept getting more and more strange, vague symptoms. It turned out that I was severely allergic to horses.

For years I avoided everything that had anything to do with horses. I remember very well that I accidentally ended up in a nice restaurant overlooking a riding arena. I didn’t make it to the main course.

Horse girl

Ironically, I appear to have given birth to a horse girl with a complete, deep-rooted, overwhelming love for those animals.

So, when she was three, 9 years ago, it just had to happen. She sat down on a horseback and never got off.

For a long time, her father was able to go with her. And there was a strict protocol to take off all riding clothes outside when they returned home and jump right into the shower. Meanwhile, hubby had come to love those animals as well.

Once he moved to an outlying area with pasture, and in order to manage the grass a little, animals had to be put on the land. So the choice between sheep, goats, and horses was soon made. Hulp vragen

I tried to suppress my allergy with all the drugstore remedies. I got all kinds of things from abroad. But none of it worked. It couldn’t go on like this. I had to ask for help.

I had to ask for help

Eventually, I ended up at one of the few allergologists in the Netherlands. It turned out I was just too late for immunotherapy, which had been abolished a few years ago, and the advice was now avoidance.

But with tears in my eyes, I told her that I also wanted to see my daughter ride, that I also wanted to participate and belong. That I wanted to encourage and support my daughter at her competitions. That I wanted to be able to pet the horses on our land and not have to be so frantic anymore.

And the allergologist heard, saw, and understood me.

She promised me: Nikolien we are going to continue to find a solution just as long as we can so you can go with your daughter. It was supposed to be customized, and it also wasn’t supposed to be a quick-fix but a long-term livable solution.

And she kept her promise.

Don’t settle for the situation

Through this experience, I learned a few things:

I struggled for an incredibly long time, trying to solve it all on my own, and settled for the situation for far too long.

I put off asking for help, arrived too late for immunotherapy, and missed many moments with my daughter.

I learned how important asking for help is. I also experienced how nice it is when you are taken seriously, when someone looks beyond the standard solutions and really sees you, hears you, and thinks along with you and doesn’t let you go until the solution is there.

And I have found that once you have sought and accepted help that whole new doors can open for you.

Not only can I see my daughter riding now, but I can also connect more with the ponies in our yard.

So much so that I have started additional training in horse coaching. Because who knows what beautiful things can emerge when I combine my programs with horse constellations, creativity, and spirituality.

Being heard and seen

But most of all, I want you to feel heard and seen. That my help and guidance give you confidence and a long-term solution.

So that you gain self-awareness and insight into your self-sabotage.

This awareness enables you to make more conscious choices and create positive changes in your life.

Stress, frustration, fretting, and hassle is reduced, leading to more peace in your mind and passion in your heart.

Reconnects with your intuition and inner knowing, allowing you to make better decisions and dare to trust your own inner wisdom.

Scratches on your soul no longer work against you, but you tap into your deep inner knowing and can turn your shit into your hit.

Become the best version of yourself and reach your full potential so you can get even more out of your life than what is already in it.

So I have a few spots available for a Soul Release session.

Soul Release is a powerful, life-changing session for ambitious women who want to break free of self-sabotage, inner glass ceilings, and issues that continue to fester just below the surface.

A Soul Release session is a unique session of about 90 minutes via Zoom and is based on the principles of Eastern and Western soul coaching and spiritual psychology. It is a powerful blend of NLP, meditations, affirmations, regression, kinesiology, EFT/Tapping, visualizations, creativity, healing, and mediumship.


Would you like to experience this balm and boost for your soul? Would you like a taste of my guidance? Who knows what doors this will open for you! Click here for more info:

Soul Release Session

Love, Nikolien

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