This Valentine’s morning I started my day just like any other Monday morning.
With some peace and quiet and a homemade cappuccino (I make really bad ones according to my Italian husband Maurizio).
Not knowing that an email would land in my inbox soon, sent by a self-proclaimed peace-loving, Buddhism practitioner who turned out to be…. well, not so peace-loving. A hateful love note …
She wrote:
“I am sorry but to bring peace in the world one does not charge people that much. It looks sincerely a scam to me, especially when mentioning a fictive 4 number cost. I practice Buddhism and nobody charges me anything.
I am really appalled by the way you try to lure people into this program.”
That’s a ‘delightful’ little hateful love note on this Valentine’s day.
At that moment there were 2 things I could do: Just ignore, delete and block. Or stand up for what I believe in, as this actually is not about me, my programs, and my prices.
This is way bigger than that:
This is about BLAMING & SHAMING women who want to do good in the world and at the same time want to have a flourishing business doing so.
Accessible for everybody
I’m in the personal development business for women for many years already. And almost daily I hear:
‘If you really want to help other women and do good in the world you may NOT charge (a lot of) money for that. That’s selfish, greedy, and bad.’
‘Because what about all those women who need you but can’t afford that.’
‘Because if you would really have a heart for women, you would make it accessible for EVERYBODY.’
But you know what; I DON’T want to be accessible for EVERYBODY.
Trust me, I have given my fair share of free and cheap sessions. And it was
One. Big. Disaster.
Because I got so many clients who didn’t show up, didn’t take responsibility, and didn’t do the work. Hence didn’t get the results.
And once that happens they start to blame you, your services, and your good intentions. And YOU get discouraged and bitter, start hating your job, and…
You stop making a difference in the world.
Committed and motivated
Especially when you do deep inner transformational work as I do, you want your clients to turn up, stick around so you can push them through their biggest blocks like not heard and seen, not worthy, not loveable… So they finally get the results they have been craving for years.
And the only way to get these real lasting results is by being 100% committed and motivated.
Now let’s be honest, most women are only really motivated and committed to taking action once they’ve paid a price in time, energy, AND money. And this price needs to hurt. So they keep doing the work as they really want a return on their investment. After all, the one who pays attention.
So back to the hateful love note this morning: I graciously told her I don’t do free or cheap programs. And I am only here for women who are serious implementers, and who understand that true lasting transformation requires full commitment. For women who are highly coachable, ready, and willing to make their personal and professional transformation a priority. So they in their turn can be role models for other women and create a world in which women value themselves and others.
How committed are you to real, deep, meaningful, and lasting transformation? To really get rid of your frustrations, anger, overwhelm, and fears?
If you are ready, just schedule your free Game Plan call with me, no strings attached. We will map the gap between where you are right now and where you want to be, and create a Game Plan with assured results. Schedule your complimentary meeting by clicking this link: